Playboy May 2002

Playboy May 2002 Rating: 4,8/5 5957reviews
Playboy May 2002Playboy May 2002

Find the perfect Playboy Magazine stock photos and editorial news pictures from. Embedded images may not be used for commercial purposes. Pictorials: Why We Love Panties; Working out with Kiana Tom;MTV Nude. Playmate: Christi Shake. Playboy May 2002. Features: Playboy's Annual Major League Baseball (MLB.

This article is about the magazine. For the lifestyle that inspired the magazine's name, see.

For other uses, see. Playboy CEO Ben Kohn Categories Frequency Monthly Publisher Total circulation (2017) 474,220 Founder Year founded October 1, 1953; 64 years ago ( 1953-10-01) First issue December 1953 Country United States Based in Language English, many others Website Playboy is an American men's and entertainment magazine. It was founded in Chicago in 1953, by and his associates, and funded in part by a $1,000 loan from Hefner's mother. Notable for its of and semi-nude (), Playboy played an important role in the and remains one of the world's best-known brands, having grown into, with a presence in nearly every medium.

In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special of Playboy are published worldwide. The magazine has a long history of publishing short stories by notable novelists such as,,,,,,,, and. With a regular display of full-page color cartoons, it became a showcase for notable cartoonists, including,,,,, Erich Sokol,,, and. Playboy features monthly interviews of notable public figures, such as artists, architects, economists, composers, conductors, film directors, journalists, novelists, playwrights, religious figures, politicians, athletes, and race car drivers. The magazine generally reflects a liberal editorial stance, although it often interviews conservative celebrities. Of from the first issue of Playboy, December 1953 By spring 1953, Hugh Hefner—a 1949 psychology graduate who had worked in Chicago for magazine writing promotional copy; Publisher's Development Corporation in sales and marketing; and Children's Activities magazine as circulation promotions manager —had planned out the elements of his own magazine, that he would call Stag Party.

Game Janes Hotel Family Hero here. He formed HMH Publishing Corporation, and recruited his friend Eldon Sellers to find investors. Hefner eventually raised just over $8,000, including from his brother and mother.