Blender Driver Scripted Expression Tutorial

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Blender Drivers TutorialBlender Driver Scripted Expression Tutorial

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#---------------------------------------------------------- # File #---------------------------------------------------------- import bpy import math from math import pi def createEpiCycle (origin ): periods = [ 1, 5, 8, 17 ] radii = [ 1.0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.1 ] axes = [ 0, 2, 1, 0 ] phases = [ 0, pi/ 4, pi/ 2, 0 ] # Add empties scn = bpy. Scene empties = [ ] nEmpties = len (periods ) for n in range (nEmpties ): empty = bpy. New ( 'Empty_%d'% n, None ) scn.

Link (empty ) empties. Append (empty ) # Make each empty the parent of the consecutive one for n in range ( 1, nEmpties ): empties [n ].

Parent = empties [n- 1 ] empties [n ]. Location = ( 0, radii [n- 1 ], 0 ) # Insert two keyframes for each empty for n in range (nEmpties ): empty = empties [n ] empty. Keyframe_insert ( 'rotation_euler', index=axes [n ], frame= 0, group=empty. Name ) empty. Keyframe_insert ( 'rotation_euler', index=axes [n ], frame=periods [n ], group=empty. Name ) fcu = empty. Fcurves [ 0 ] print (empty, fcu.

Data_path, fcu. Array_index ) kp0 = fcu. Keyframe_points [ 0 ] kp0. Co = ( 0, phases [n ] ) kp0. Interpolation = 'LINEAR' kp1 = fcu. Keyframe_points [ 1 ] kp1. Co = ( 250.0/periods [n ], 2 *pi + phases [n ] ) kp1.

Interpolation = 'LINEAR' fcu. Extrapolation = 'LINEAR' last = empties [nEmpties- 1 ] bpy. Primitive_ico_sphere_add ( size = 0.2, location=last. Location ) ob = bpy. Parent = last empties [ 0 ].

Location = origin return def run (origin ): createEpiCycle (origin ) bpy. Paths_calculate ( ) return if __name__ == '__main__': run ( ( 0, 0, 0 ) ) bpy. Animation_play (reverse= False, sync= False ) Drivers This program adds an armature with one driver bones and two driven bones. The tip's Z rotation is driven by the driver's x location. The base's Z rotation is driven both by the driver's Y location and its Z rotation.

#---------------------------------------------------------- # File #---------------------------------------------------------- import bpy def run (origin ): # Create armature and object amt = bpy. New ( 'MyRigData' ) rig = bpy.

New ( 'MyRig', amt ) rig. Location = origin amt.

Show_names = True # Link object to scene scn = bpy. Link (rig ) scn. Active = rig scn. Update ( ) # Create bones bpy.